Growing up, I never fit the “athletic” stereotype. In 2011, I walked into my first Crossfit gym and from that moment on, I was hooked. Coaches and members were nothing but welcoming and supportive as I was the youngest one in the crowd. Once I began seeing results, I was even more motivated; and I'm not talking about physical ones. Becoming stronger boosted confidence within the young independent girl that I had always demonstrated to be. It reminded me to stand in what I believed in despite others’ opinions full of judgment. Crossfit has taught me discipline, how to be mentally tough, and always strive to be better. It helps me overcome challenges outside the gym by comparing them to the ones inside those gym walls.
A coach once said to me: once said to me: “feel the pain and keep moving” and that, has stuck with me ever since. It reminds me of the reason why I started. Feeling exhaustion, shortness of breath, or filled with frustration isn’t a reason good enough to quit. If I can endure any workout with pain, keeping my body at high intensity, then I can apply the same outside of my workouts. This beautiful sport has also taught me not every day is a good day. AND THAT'S OK! On those days, you go home and try again the next. And that feeling when you finally PR after the hard work... indescribable.
Coaching is my way of giving back. I am so grateful for everything Crossfit and the community has given me, I want to be "that coach" for someone else. Being called “coach” is an honor. I dont only teach them, they teach me. I learn how to work with different people of all ages and personalities. I have always enjoyed coaching because I see myself standing in square-one again, right by my athelete's side. Teaching new athletes the movements I once learned, myself, for the first time offers the opportunity to begin a new journey together. I love having the ability to be a small contribution to this beautiful community. I want people to remember me the way I remember the coach that helped me get my first pullup, first rope climb, first handstand, etc.